withINTENSEWorldwide 2-wheeled results & photo archive

Tagging mode (quit)

Untagged photo


Sorry, but to ensure a positive user experience photo tagging is only supported on devices at least 600px in width.

If you're using a phone, switching from portrait to landscape should help you. If not you may have to move to a tablet or computer instead.

Apologies for the inconvenience, doing the best I can!


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2019-09-08 05:17:58.000

Untagged photo


252 untagged photos (18.81%) remain from this event

Current burst:

This photo doesn't appear to be part of a burst shot.

Tips for tagging photos

  • You can input either a rider's bib number or their name
  • Mouse-over the image for a magnified view - click it for an even better view
  • Type - for an obscured digit to get a hint list - e.g. 7 - 9
  • If you still can't make out a plate you can even try a sponsor to help identify the rider
  • If a rider you've identified isn't found, it means they're not in the results 😔 Maybe they didn't complete the event or are using the wrong board? If you know their name you can still tag them by typing ! before their name - e.g. ! s a m   h i l l

Multiple tagging

  • Use , to save multiple tags in one go - e.g. 6 1 , 8 5
  • To add tags to a photo that's already tagged, type a plus before any tags - e.g. + 1 3 5

Keyboard shortcuts for faster tagging

  • Go full-screen, it's larger & clearer! Try F11 for Windows, or + Control + F on Mac
  • NEW! (Photo owner only) Want to delete one of your photos? Just hit Del - it'll ask you to confirm. What's that? You're a decisive type, who knows what you damn well want? Shift + Del's the one for you.
  • Hitting ] will immediately copy the tags applied to the previous photo
  • Finishing with = will apply your selected tags to all of the photos in the current burst - e.g. 9 5 0 =
  • NEW! Burst clearly shows two different riders, one after the other? Click on the last thumbnail of rider 1, follow your tag with <, then it'll select the first photo of rider 2 which you can tag quickly with >. These keypresses apply your tag to the current shot and all those before it or all those after it, respectively. Sweet!
  • Try to avoid using the mouse. It's slow. Use and to navigate the list of names, and to submit the tag(s) you've selected
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